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Retail Price: $120
This Compass Classroom Creative Writing course is sure to get your middle to high school student writing with skill!
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Retail Price: $120
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Creative Writing with Jonathan Rogers.
Jonathan Rogers of Grammar for Writers teaches careful readers to become confident writers using beloved classics. Hone your craft in this seminar from a literary scholar and published author.
This product is available on USB thumb drive or in streaming digital format.
About the instructor: Jonathan Rogers is the author of The Terrible Speed of Mercy, one of the finest biographies of Flannery O’Connor we’ve ever read. His other books include the Wilderking Trilogy–The Bark of the Bog Owl, The Secret of the Swamp King, and The Way of the Wilderking–as well as The World According to Narnia and a biography of Saint Patrick. He has spent most of his adult life in Nashville, Tennessee, where he and his wife Lou Alice are raising a houseful of robustious children. Jonathan also demystifies pronoun agreement rules in Grammar for Writers.