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Preply Language Learning
Preply Language Tutors

Discover an online tutor to help your child learn a foreign language!

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Little Monsters Universe
Homeschool Science Lessons and Unit Plans

Little Monsters Universe offers printed science lessons and unit plans that simplify your homeschool!

1 × 15% Discount
bitsbox homeschool coding
Bitsbox Coding: Levels 1-36

Bitsbox provides monthly coding projects that teach gradeschoolers how to program apps.

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Bitsbox Coding: Levels 1-36

Bitsbox provides monthly coding projects that teach gradeschoolers how to program apps.

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20% Discount

Retail Price: $699.95

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200+ inspiring app coding projects come packed in one huge box! Includes, 24 Grownup Guides, 12 sticker sheets for tracking progress, 4 Bitsbox Apper Keeper binders to store your stuff, separate coding accounts for every learner in the family, and unlimited email support for asking coding questions!